Tuesday, January 31, 2017

About Us

Welcome to Devota's Goldens 

 Devota and her litter mates, born May 18th, 2012

Thank you for your interest in our dogs and puppies.  Allow me to provide you with a little background information on myself and my beloved Goldens.

About Me:
I work full time from home raising our three children (ages 9, 7, & 3) with my two Golden Retrievers, Devota and Eliana.  My background is in Equine, starting at age 10, for 18 years, I was actively involved in riding, breeding, raising, training, and competing with American Quarter Horses.  Animals have always been a passion of mine and throughout High School I worked with my Horse Veterinarian in her small animal clinic, mainly dogs and cats, and in the field with horses.  About four years ago my husband and I moved to Georgia and the horse chapter of my life was temporarily put on hold and I have since fully invested myself into Golden Retrievers.   

About My Goldens:

I am blessed to have two separate Golden Breeders as my mentors and advisers, you may check out their dogs at Loveline Goldens and Season's Gold, as well as the support and oversight of my Local Veterinarian, Dr. Shurling, at Riverside Animal Hospital .  Devota is a 5 year old fully registered AKC Golden Retriever.  And, has her health clearances from the OFA (Orthopedic Foundation for Animals) on her Hips, Elbows, and Heart. Eliana is also a fully AKC registered Golden Retriever and has her health clearances from the OFA on her Hips, Elbows, and Heart. My Goldens are part of our family.  They live in our house with us and have a large fenced back yard to play in.  We are very active with our dogs and both, Devota and  her half sister, Eliana, have received their Certificates from the AKC as Canine Good Citizens, and are both Registered Therapy Dogs, with the Alliance of Therapy Dogs.  We have served at three different Nursing Homes in our area, at our local Children's Hospital, and with Hephziba Children's HomeIt's our pleasure to share smiles and joy.  It is our passion and we love it!

Devota's Previous Litter: Puppies arrived July 22nd, 2015
Our Litter of Goldens born 7/22/15 ~ 6 days old

Summer 2015 Litter ~ 1 week old

Puppies at 7 Weeks ~ Fall 2014
 Pippa Rey practicing her stay on a 'Mutt Mats' in preparation for her AKC Canine Good Citizen test.  All our puppies are trained with these mats and we use them in our therapy work.  I highly recommend them.
 (Above image of Devota's Fall 2014 Litter) 

~About Devota~ 

Devota is 5 years old, fully registered AKC Golden Retriever, and has her Hips, Elbows, and Heart checked and certified by the OFA  She has passed her AKC Canine Good Citizen (CGC) test.  And Devota is also a Registered Therapy Dog with the Alliance of Therapy Dogs.  We serve at 3 local nursing homes and our Local Children's Hospital.  It's an honor to Serve and we love it.  She has a Dark Golden Coat that is easy to maintain for a Golden.

 Devota is first and foremost our pet and companion.  I have three young children, ages 9, 7, and 3 and Devota is amazing with all of them.  When the kids are outside she is always with them.  Not just out in the yard, but following them around and watching what they are doing.  When my kids are sick Devota is their favorite pillow.  And has proved very gentle and careful with the baby.  I could not ask for a better personality in a dog then what she demonstrates.  She's quick to learn, driven, loves to play, be with her people, and snuggle.  She gets along well with other dogs and animals too.  She is a wonderful companion and a huge part of our lives.  
Devota accepts and is super friendly to everyone we introduce her too, but there is certainly a special dedication and passion she reserves for just her family.  Devota is certainly well named, she is devoted to me, my family, and her puppies.  It's an unconditional devotion.  I feel blessed to call her mine.

~About Eliana

Eliana is 4 years old, (and a half sister to Devota on their Father's side).  She too is fully registered Golden Retriever with the AKC and has her Hips, Elbows, and Heart checked and certified by the OFA.  Eliana passed her AKC Canine Good Citizen (CGC) test right after she turned 1 years old and became a Registered Therapy Dog this past Spring. 
 Eliana has the perfect temperament for a Therapy Dog, which is what I specifically selected her for.  She is an exceptional Therapy Dog.  She is very kind, patient, gentle, and makes everyone she meets feel as if they are the most important person in the world.  
She is very showy as well with a light Golden coat that is very soft and flows beautifully as she moves.  She is my 6 year old's best friend and they sleep together.  And, my 8 and 6 year old can both walk Eliana by them selves  (and have for the past two years) she is so well mannered and easy going.  She gets along well with everyone she meets, even cats, and rabbits.  She's a wonderful companion and a great Golden.  Her name means, 'God has Responded' and Eliana certainly was a blessing from the Lord when she came into our home.  We are very blessed to have her.

~Eliana and her siblings~
~About Up Coming Litters
We are expecting two litters this year:

~We are hoping for puppies from Devota and Rey this summer. (Rey is a Certified Search and Rescue Dog and an established Stud Dog). 

~We are hoping for puppies from Eliana and Rey this summer or early autumn at the latest, God willing.

 I do have a strict application process as I want to ensure to the best of my ability that a Golden Retriever is right for you/your family and that you/your family are/is right for one of my puppies.  I want my dogs to be a blessing and a joy to a person/family not a burden or a chore.  Once our puppies are born and Vet Checked I will began accepting $300 Deposits* with an Approved Devota's Goldens Puppy Application and phone interview to ensure you a pick in this litter.  Your pick in the litter will be based upon the order in which your deposit is received.  Deposits are non-refundable; I will accept checks or money orders.  The current** total price for a Devota's Goldens' puppy is $1,200.  The remaining $900 can be paid in cash at the time you pick up your puppy, approximately 8 weeks  after birth. Please contact me for information on how to obtain an Application.  DevotasGoldens@gmail.com

* Note: There is NO Commitment until I receive your deposit and I send you confirmation along with your puppy pick number.
** Current price for all Applicants Approved after March 1st, 2018.
                                          Devota's Fall 2014 Litter at One Week Old

About Our Puppies:
All Devota's Goldens puppies are whelped and raised indoors with our family.  I am very active in the raising and training of these puppies from their earliest days.  They will participate in the 'Bio Sensor' or "Super Dog" program, (ie Early Neurological Stimulation) which was Developed by the US Military to improve the performance of dogs used for their purposes, will receive plenty of socialization, be evaluated via a Temperament Profiling Test, (which I'll administer at 6 weeks of age, after which Deposit holders will be able to pick their puppies in their given order), and receive basic clicker training and crate training.  I believe all of this extensive love, training, and time will help to provide our puppies with the very best possible start with their new families and in life.

 Devota's Summer 2015 Litter ~ 3 weeks old

Devota's Summer 2015 Litter ~ 2 weeks old
Devota's Fall 2014 Litter ~ 3 Days Old

How do I Obtain a Puppy Application and Submit a Deposit (for the current litter) or Get on the Puppy Waiting List (for a future litter)?
 If you are interested in a Devota's Goldens puppy, please email me the following:
Your Name:

Number of People in your home (if there are Children in the home please include their ages):



Please Specify if you are Interested in:  A. A Current Litter (name the Mom)  or B. A Future Litter

Upon receipt of your information I will send you a formal application for one of our puppies in which you will be able to tell me a little bit about yourself/family and the reasons you have chosen the Golden Retriever as your possible future companion. 

Please Note: Your application must be received and approved before I will accept a deposit for one of our puppies.  This is for your benefit as well as the puppy's.

If you are only interested in a future litter I will contact you via email (unless you specify otherwise) once we are ready to receive deposits on our future puppies and you will then have the option to send in a deposit for a puppy.  There is NO Commitment until I receive your deposit and I send you confirmation along with your puppy pick number.      

Please feel free to contact me at DevotasGoldens@gmail.com with any additional questions you may have.  I believe our Goldens are amazing dogs and will be happy to talk with you about the possibility of you adding a Golden to your family as well.

Is a Golden Retriever a Good Choice for you and/or your family? 
Check out our Pinterest Board: Thinking about Getting a Golden? Things you Should Know!!!  For more Golden Information!  I also highly recommend you read and review this article by Forbes on the real cost of Purebreed Dogs and their analysis. How Much is That Doggie in the Window After All?  

Saturday, July 16, 2016

Eliana and Rey are Happy to Announce their Upcoming Litter!


We are happy to announce that Eliana gave birth to 5 very strong and healthy puppies, 1 female and 4 males, on July 12th, 2016.  Please help us welcome 'The Force Awakens' Litter to the world.

 They passed their health screening with our Vet on Wednesday the 13th, everyone looks great, super strong, (my Vet was really impressed), and healthy, praise God!  We will began accepting deposits on this litter only at this time*. 
If you are interested in placing a deposit on this litter please email (DevotasGoldens@gmail.com)
before sending in your deposit.  (Remember, I won't accept a deposit without an approved Puppy Application.)
Meet 'The Force Awakens' Litter:
Little Girl Violet: Rey**
Little Boy Orange: BB-8
Little Boy Brown: Finn   
Little Boy Black: Poe    
Little Boy Royal Blue: Luke Skywalker

Enjoy the attached pictures! 

*Deposits for Devota's litter, which is due later this month. will be accepted once her puppies are born and also Vet Checked.

**Note: this is also her real Daddy's name so it's doubly cool!

The Force Awakens Litter, Summer 2016

Mama Eliana and her first puppy

Even in labor you can see she still likes for me to hold her hand.

The proud new Mama.  She has every right to be proud.
 Our sweet puppies at their first Vet Check!


Eliana and Rey Puppies are due in July!!!

Rey (The Daddy)

 Eliana (The Expectant Mama)

This will be Eliana's first litter with prove Stud Rey from Loveline Golden Retrievers.
Both are fully registered AKC Golden Retrievers and have their OFA clearances.  
Eliana's OFA's.  Rey's OFA's.
Their puppies are due July 15th, 2016. 
If you are interested in one of our Golden Retriever puppies please contact me at:
Email: marksoffaith@gmail.com
Phone: 361-816-1623

I do require a completed application and a phone interview prior to your sending in any deposits for one of our puppies.  I work hard to ensure that my puppies only go to the very best of homes.

 Eliana as a 6 week old puppy.

 Eliana when she came home!

Eliana's first snow

Such a classic

Devota's Eliana Gratia Familia

Eliana is Hebrew meaning: God has Responded

Height at withers: 21 inches
Weight: 60 lbs.
Color: Light Golden
Birth-date: May 7th, 2013

Eliana got her start as a Therapy Dog after my Daughter became seriously sick and had to spend a week at CHOA and have life saving surgery.  She had tubes and bags for two weeks after her surgery and here you can see Eliana taking care of her so carefully and lovingly.

Eliana Passing her AKC Canine Good Citizen           Eliana Receiving her official Registration pack
Test at one year of age. Chan Johnson was our                     from the Alliance of Therapy Dogs!
test administrator and the head of our local
Therapy Group. She graciously organizes
our Therapy visits.


Therapy dogs are heroes too!  We serve at three local nursing homes and at our Children's Hospital.

Eliana Fall 2015

My beautiful Eliana, Summer 2016

 Pre-Prego Bod
 Prego Bod
 (I know the feeling girl- She thinks I'm funny!)  
And she's such a happy Mama!

 My Girl is a sweet lover

 Eliana hanging out with her half sister, Devota
Sun bathing in the nice AC!

 My whimsical and magical Golden Eliana...
...even a rainbow showed up to hang out with her

 Rey the proud Father


LoveLine's Sweet Raham

Hebrew: describes God's gracious
and merciful love for His children

Height at withers: 24 inches
Weight: 80 lbs.
Color: Light Golden
Birth-date: December 30, 2011

 Loveline's Handsome Man "Rey"

 Nose work


Via Loveline Facebook page:  

In the event of a disaster resulting in mass casualties, Rey and [Melanie], along with other SAR K9s and handlers, would be hoisted via helicopter into the disaster site in order to search for victims.


Via the Loveline Goldens facebook page:

Rey doesn't seem like the most exciting dog in our pack, but underneath that cool, calm demeanor you can find lots of adventure awaiting! Rey's training with the GBI Body Recovery Team has opened up many new opportunities and has taken us to lots of new and interesting places, as well as, introducing us to a whole new world of people....Firemen, policemen, SAR GBI investigators....and the list goes on.


 Rey as a puppy

Rey Chilling on the Beach

PuppyUltra Sound! (June 7th, 2016)

Puppies are due July 15th, 2016 and will go home at 8 weeks of age. (Around the first or so week in September).

If you are interested in a Devota's Golden puppy and wish to be placed on a waiting list please contact Claire Marks at DevotasGoldens@gmail.com 

Please provide your name, phone number, and email address. 

Also, visit us on facebook to keep up with all of the puppy action and cuteness:  https://www.facebook.com/DevotasGoldenPuppies

Also, check out our Pinterest boards for more information on Goldens and our Dogs.

Thank you for helping us celebrate this exciting and happy time!